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Soccer Domain Football Club

About our Club

Soccer Domain Football Club (SDFC) was established for the specific purpose of developing a competitive youth soccer program whose goals are to develop players and teams that can compete at state, regional, and national levels. The realization of these goals will be accomplished within the proper framework of developing character traits such as self-esteem, confidence, leadership and br Achievement of these objectives will be reached through the mature behavior, high level of training and exemplary conduct of the coaches, parents, and officials of the br The SDFC program aspires to create an environment within which players will be given the opportunity to learn the sport of soccer through the development of individual skills, fitness, teamwork, and fair br Players will reach their maximum potential as individuals and athletes through coaching, competition, friendships, and commitment - to themselves, their teammates, and the game of br The sport of soccer will be utilized to teach life's important values including integrity, honesty, dedication, teamwork, and respect for the laws of the br For more information contact email
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Soccer Domain Football Club
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